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History Explained…And The Heritage

The Backdrop:

Mary Matha High School & Junior College, Mhaswad, installed in 1992, spread her aura all around the little town of Mhaswad in the first decade of her inception itself, by securing meritorious and commendable achievements in the field of education, simultaneous with the emerging needs of the citizens and the universal standards of education. It is not an exaggeration to mention here that Param Prasad Charitable Society’s oldest initiative in Satara-Solapur region has become the landmark of success at Mhaswad. People, in and around the town, in need of quality education, regarded the knowledge stream of Mary Matha as their thirst quencher.  

The Very Beginning of Dahiwadi Branch:

June 2003

Upon frequent requests and demands from the parent-community of Dahiwadi town, a branch of Mary Matha, Mhawad started functioning in Sawant Building at Dahiwadi with an intake of 57 students and two teachers. The branch functioned at Mr. Vishnu Sawant’s building.

Academic Year 2007-’08

Dream gets the momentum! Rev. Fr. Varghese Puramchirayil takes up the administrative responsibilities of Mary Matha High School, Mhaswad. It was decisively resolved that the KG branch at Dahiwadi shall be upgraded to Grade I. The resolution later proved to be the soul of educational excellence in the rural hamlet of Dahiwadi, taking the aspirations of the growing generation, to newer heights.

Academic Year 2008-’09

Well begun, just 5 years ago, the branch has started flourishing. Admissions increased! Parents encouraged! Students got a chance to study up to Grade II at their home town itself. But for Grade III, they would go to Mhaswad, thanks to the responsible conveyance – another feather in the cap of Mary Matha Institutions.

Academic Year 2011-’12

The school grew through leaps and bounds and had about 130 students on roll. The annual day celebrated in March 2012 at Siddhanath Mangal Karyalay, Dahiwadi remains in the minds of all that attended the function. A special memorandum, signed by the parents was submitted before Rev. Fr. Dominic Mundatt, demanding a spacious and improved school premises that was the need of the hour.

12 December 2013

An area of 6.5 acres was purchased for Param Prasad Charitable Society’s proposed CBSE English Medium School at Pingli BK. (For info, refer to para: Inception at Pingli)

March 2013

Finally, an Annual Day Celebration in our own land! That was step one of a dream accomplished.

June 2013

Owing to the steady increase of admissions, the school had to be shifted to Khade building. The enrolment was about 250 then. The school has now grown up to Grade V.

March 2014

A grand annual day celebration was organized at Saani Ground, Dahiwadi that showcased the talents of the children here. The event was applauded by all.

June 2015

A much awaited milestone in the history of Mary Matha. After a lot of struggles, the determination and far-sighted vision made it to an incredible success. We started classes up to Grade VII in our own building.

12 February 2013

The man of Vision and Wisdom, Rev. Fr. Varghese Puramchirayil, has ordered to extend a look out for a convenient site for the school.

Having been on the look-out, an idea of acquiring land nearby Dahiwadi town was brought up. Reasons – from unaffordability to unapproachability – barred the further procedure. Men-in-search continued their prospect with hope and faith. The three gentlemen of immense enthusiasm – Mr. Babar Manic, Mr. Sukhdev and Mr. Dnyaneshwar Awale kept up their efforts, targeting to make the impossible, possible!

22 February 2013

Mr. Bapurao Kokare, a land owner near Pingaljai Temple was consulted upon which he expressed his desire to meet the Manager father at Mhaswad.

24 February 2013

The ambience and atmosphere of Mary Matha High School & Junior College, Mhaswad took Mr. Kokare by surprise. The added promise of Manager father that his land of 3.5 acres would be utilized for the construction of a much better institution which would remain beneficial for the whole region of Man-Khatav boosted his humane heart and he accepted a token of Rs. 1001/- agreeing to sell his land to Param Prasad Charitable Society.

28 February 2013

The new neighbours, Mr. Hanmant Gurav and Mr. Mohan Gurav have come forward to sell their 1.6 acre of land that was adjacent to the plot already registered under the Society.
March 2013: The Foundation Stone was laid by Rev. Fr. Francis Kodiyan, The Provincial Superior at the newly registered plot at Pingli BK. Rev. Fr. Varghese and a team of students and staff from Mhaswad were present for this glorious beginning.

Initial Hurdles:

Ensuring water facility itself was the first major constrain. Mr. Kakasaheb (Mhaswad) provided us with his machinery free of cost. Despite expert opinion, the spot where water was dug for, could extract only 1.5 inches of water even after digging up to 700 feet. This raised concern in the minds of all. Hydrologist Mr. Shamrao Jagadale and two more experts in ground water identification were consulted, all of whom suggested the same spot where water was identified upon digging to 400 feet. The far-sighted vision of Manager father prompted continued digging up to 500 feet, for lessening water shortage even during adverse climate.

Before proceeding any further, the need of getting the purchased land registered under NA property was mandatory. The No-Objection Certificates (NOCs) from 17 government officials were procured for this cause. We remain indebted to the then Sarpanch of Pingli Mr. Shrikant Jagadale and Mr. Awathade, the registration agent, for all the co-operation and support that they extended.

During the process of getting things done, the guiding light and the motivating spirit were the honourable superior fathers of MCBS, Emmaus Province. How indebted we remain to the legendary leadership of Rev. Fr. Varghese! How grateful should we always be, for the enthralling encouragement Rev. Fr. Tomy Kariyilakulam extended! How much gratitude shall suffice the showers of blessings we received, through the prayers of Rev. Fr. Francis Kodiyan, the provincial superior! Mary Matha, Dahiwadi shall always remember you all, with utmost veneration.

The Supporting Parent Community:

February 2015: Parents of our students were called for a gathering at Siddhanath Mangal Karyalay, Dahiwadi where the plan of constructing the school building at Pingli was discussed in detail. Unforgettable was the extent of moral support which they delivered. We thankfully remember all the members of our parent community for being with us during this stage of establishment not only physically and mentally but also financially.

A similar gathering was organized at Kal Bhairav Mangal Karyalay, Vaduj to address the parent-community there. Many of them, having heard or learnt about the excellence of Mary Matha promoted the noble cause and expressed their ardent desire to experience it.

Finally, in March 2015, the construction of Mary Matha English Medium School, Pingli BK, Dahiwadi started. The dead line for the initial phase of construction was June 10, 2015. The services of Architect Mr. Yayati Tapply, Structural Engineer Mr. Shriram Kulkarni, contractor Mr. Vishwas Shinde (Pune), his assistant Mr. Pramod Jagadale, and their 100+ work force are thankfully remembered.

22 June 2015: Dreaming for a brighter tomorrow for the upcoming generations of this area, we started the academic year up to Grade VII in the newly constructed building.